Tour of Buffalo Sewer Authority Bird Island Sewage Treatment Plant
Presentation entitled "Application of Wastewater Based Epidemiology to Track COVID-19 and Emerging Disease Outbreak"
September 22, 2022
Tour Starts at 5:00 PM - Location: Buffalo Sewer Authority Bird Island Sewage Treatment Plant - 1170 Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY 14213. Drive down Robert Rich Way across the drawbridge, turn right to parking lot on left.
Social Hour/Dinner/Presentation starts at 6:30 PM - Restaraunt: Marco's Italian Restaurant, 1085 Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY 14213. Restaurant parking lot is north of Albany Street, enter from Niagara Street.
2 PDH Credits pending
Click here for meeting notice
Alpha Analytical
Benchmark Environmental Engineering & Science PLLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Golder Associates
Hodgson Russ
The Knoer Group
Linde, LLC
Modern Corporation
OXY Chem
Phillips Lytle LLP
Trinity Consultants
Watts Architecture & Engineering
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