Session I - EJ, Climate Impacts and Community Engagement: Lessons to a First Year Consultant
Robert Knoer, Esq. - The Knoer Group, PLLC
Christopher Whitehead QEP, CESM - ESI
Session II - Saving The USS Sullivans - The NYSDEC's Role
Michael Emery, P. E. - NYSDEC Region 9
Session III - The Evolution of Siting and Permitting Utility Scale Renewable Projects in NY
Mike Morgante - WSP, USA Inc
Keynote Address - Update on Infrastructure Projects in WNY
Mike Finn, P.E. - Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GNBRTC)
Session IV - Update on Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) Scoping Document
Dennis Elsenbeck - Phillips Lytle LLP
Donna DeCarolis - National Fuel Gas
Session V - Unraveling Complexity Through Fate and Transport Numerical Simulations in a Tidally-Influenced, Heterogenous, Multi-System, Density Driven Regime
James Schuetz - Parsons