Saturday, April 26, 2025
10:30 AM
Goat Island at Niagara Falls State Park
Niagara Falls, NY
Come run with us along the beautiful Niagara River, then stay for the after-party and explore the park!
Post-race party includes overall and age group awards, food, drinks & live music.
Registration will be open soon!
REGISTER EARLY and SAVE the online processing fee before April 1st!
NFS-AWMA has a no refund policy. Please note that we do not offer any refunds or discount codes if you cancel your registration for this event.
Race Day Registration & Packet Pick-Up starts at 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 26th near Lot 3.
(Lot 3 is at the opposite end of Goat Island from the Falls)
The race starts at 10:30 AM.
There will be ample FREE PARKING.
Map & Directions to Goat Island
The ENVIRUN 5K will be held at Niagara Falls State Park, Niagara Falls, NY on Goat Island.
The traffic-free, paved course parallels the beautiful Niagara River.
Run starts near Three Sisters Island (see course link below)
USATF Certified Course - NY22001JJ
Trophies will be awarded to the overall top male and female finishers.
Awards will be presented to the top three (3) male and female finishers in each age group: 14 years and under, 15-19 years, 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years, 35-39 years, 40-44 years, 45-49 years, 50-54 years, 55-59 years, 60-64 years, 65-69 years, 70-74 years, 75-79 years and 80 years and over.
Race times by WNY Finish Line Services.
The ENVIRUN 5K is organized annually by the Niagara Frontier Section of the Air & Waste Management Association to celebrate Earth Day.
Proceeds from the ENVIRUN 5K are used to fund and sponsor environmental projects in the Buffalo-Niagara Region and towards the Section's high school and college scholarships. Past race proceeds have been awarded to: Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve, Gateway Longview Inc, WNY Land Conservancy, Buffalo Botanical Gardens, Buffalo Zoo, Kenneglenn Nature Preserve, the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County, and The Coalition of Positively Charged People.
Thank You To Our ENVIRUN Sponsors!
- - - - Click here for the Sponsorship Application - - - -
For questions and further information, please contact Mary at (716) 462-9105.