Tour of University at Buffalo's GRoW Clean Energy Center
Followed by a Presentation after dinner "Not Your Grammy's Climate Action Strategy"
Presentation by: Ryan McPherson and Carrie Zaenglein
SUNY @ Buffalo
Tour 5:00 PM to 6 PM at UB North Campus at the Solar Strand along Flint Road near Maple Drive. Please park at the Center for Tomorrow Building.
Social Hour/Cash Bar @ 6:00 PM @ Home 2 by Hilton
Buffet Dinner and speaker @ 6:30 PM
PDH Credits (approval pending) are available for an additional $10.
Reservations due no later than Monday, May 16, 2022
Note: We are limited to 30 people on the tour so please indicate if you plan on attending the tour. First come, first served.
(No cancellations accepted after this date)
Meeting Notice
Alpha Analytical
Benchmark Environmental Engineering & Science PLLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Golder Associates
Hodgson Russ
The Knoer Group
Linde, LLC
Modern Corporation
OXY Chem
Phillips Lytle LLP
Trinity Consultants
Watts Architecture & Engineering
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