A Presentation by Michael Emery, P.E. of the NYSDEC entitled "Hillcrest Industries, Inc. : A Case Study (A Large Glass Pile, Odors and Dust)"
Social Hour/Cash Bar at 5:30 pm
Buffet Dinner at 6:30 pm
Speaker after dinner
1.0 PDH credit available for an additional cost of $10 (approval pending)
Copy of dinner meeting announcement
Reservations due no later than Friday, September 22, 2017
(No cancellations accepted after this date)
Alpha Analytical
Benchmark Environmental Engineering & Science
CWM Chemical Services
Empire Stack Testing
Golder Associates
Hodgson Russ
Iyer Environmental Group
The Knoer Group
Modern Corporation
Nature's Way Environmental
OXY Chem
Sandstone Springs
SJB Services /
Empire Geo Services
Watts Architecture & Engineering
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