SolarCity Fab3 (Buffalo, New York - Riverbend) Facilities/Manufacturing Overview
The speaker is Dan Milewski, P.E. He is the Senior Facilities Manager for the SolarCity Project.
Social Hour/Cash Bar at 5:30 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm
Choice of Chicken Parmigiana, Penne ala Roma, Poached Salmon or Prime Rib (10 oz). Be sure to pick your dinner choice when you register.
Speaker after dinner
Reservations due no later than Wednesday, March 9, 2016
(No cancellations accepted after this date)
Alpha Analytical
Benchmark Environmental Engineering & Science
CWM Chemical Services
Empire Stack Testing
Golder Associates
Hodgson Russ
Iyer Environmental Group
The Knoer Group
Modern Corporation
Nature's Way Environmental
NRG Energy
OXY Chem
SJB Services /
Empire Geo Services
Watts Architecture & Engineering
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