Discussions with New York State DEC Region 9 Staff
Abby Snyder, DEC Region 9 Director, will provide a brief overview of Region 9 activities.
Don Zelazny, DEC Great Lakes Program Coordinator, will provide a summary of the improved
Niagara River ecosystem and a brief look at emerging issues in the Great Lakes.
Social Hour/Cash Bar @ 5:30 PM
Italian Buffet Dinner @ 6:30 PM
Chef’s Restaurant
291 Seneca Street, Buffalo, NY
$15 – A&WMA International Members / Young Professional A&WMA-NFS Members (35 or younger)
$20 - A&WMA-NFS Local Members $25 – Non-Members $10 – Full-Time Students
Reservations due no later than Thursday, September 18, 2014
(No cancellations accepted after this date)
Appreciation to A&WMA-NFS Corporate Sponsors:
Advanced Waste Solutions
Alpha Analytical
Benchmark Environmental Engineering & Science
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA)
CWM Chemical Services
Empire Stack Testing
Golder Associates
Hodgson Russ
Iyer Environmental Group
The Knoer Group
JBI / Plastic2Oil
Modern Corporation
NOCO Energy
Russo Development
SJB Services / Empire Geo Services
Watts Architecture & Engineering